Getting started

Publishing reports

Publishing reports uses the report command and a query for the Github search API:

gisrep report "repo:briggySmalls/gisrep is:open label:enhancement"

Which will print a summary of the issues to the console:

- Make project open-source friendly [#2]
- Add custom errors and improve handling [#4]
- Add coverage tests [#14]
- Allow user to provide jinja2 environment configuration [#16]

Read the Github guide on searching issues and pull requests for help constructing queries.

Formatting results

Issues can be formatted with templates - either those shipped with gisrep internally, or external user templates.

# Specify gisrep template tag
gisrep report "repo:twbs/bootstrap is:open label:feature" --internal list_by_labels.html

# Pass path of a user template
gisrep report "repo:twbs/bootstrap is:open label:feature" --external ./custom-report.rst.tplt

Internal template tags can be listed using the list command:

gisrep list

Read the templates documentation for creating custom templates.

Private repositories

The tool needs Github credentials in order to access private repositories. Credentials can be provided as command line arguments directly, or supplied in a .gisreprc config file. A config file can be initialised and saved to your home directory with the init command:

gisrep init

You will be prompted for your Github username and password. The password is stored in your system’s password manager using keyring.

Note that if your Github account uses 2 factor authentication, then the password provided to gisrep should be a personal access token.