
You can quickly test your Hanover flipdot signs by broadcasting a command to start a test pattern:

from pyflipdot.pyflipdot import HanoverController
from serial import Serial

# Create a serial port (update with port name on your system)
ser = Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0')

# Create a controller
controller = HanoverController(ser)

# Start the test sequence on any connected signs

Once you’ve confirmed this is working, you’ll want to send specific images to a specific sign:

import numpy as np
from pyflipdot.sign import HanoverSign

# Add a sign
# Note: The sign's address is set via it's potentiometer
sign = HanoverSign(address=1, width=86, height=7)
controller.add_sign('dev', sign)

# Create a 'checkerboard' image
image = sign.create_image()
image[::2, ::2] = True
image[1::2, 1::2] = True

# Write the image

Refer to the pyflipdot API for full documentation.